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Corporate Accessibility Programs
Training Seminars

Corporate Accessibility Programs

Maintaining a compliant portfolio takes a dependable system and takes ongoing vigilance.  Universal Designers & Consultants can craft a strategy to help you keep your facilities compliant.  We can develop tools consistent with your corporate structure and culture that will empower your employees to check, evaluate, and maintain your investment in an accessible environment.  We can help you comply with the U.S. Department of Justice or settlement decrees from class action lawsuits and other accessibility related litigation.  We can help you mobilize corporate wide facility accessibility analysis projects by developing custom survey forms, conducting training, performing technical assistance, quality assurance and post construction plans review and certification roles.

Training and Seminars

To UD&C, it’s not about regulation or litigation, it’s all about education.  When people understand the “why” behind it, accessibility and Universal Design make so much sense.

UD&C has provided technical information to a wide range of audiences in a “down to earth” language with case examples and concept illustrations.  Our presentations are drawn from our extensive collection of existing images and documentation that can be customized for each audience.

We have provided presentations about the technical requirements of accessibility and benefits of Universal Design in keynote addresses to international conferences, executive briefings, multi-day training seminars, video training and on-site demonstrations.

We have made presentations to groups such as the American Hotel & Lodging Association, American Institute of Architects, American Bar Association, National Realtors Association, National Restaurant Association, and the National American Wholesale Grocers Association.

We are an American Institute of Architects approved continuing education provider.  Attendees of our presentations can receive CEU (HSW) credits.

Courses we have recently provided include:

  •  The New ADA Standards: What You Need to Know

  •  Common Errors and Omissions

  •  Universal Design at All Scales: Home for the Next 50 Years

  •  Title II Entities: What you Need to Know About the New ADA

  •  Universal Design: Product v Process

"You got great reviews…supervisors that missed the class are sorry they did.”

-Kathy West, Safety Office, Monmouth County (NJ) Administrators Office

"Have had nothing but positive feedback from your presentation and feel like it was a terrific success"

-John O’Callaghan, Evalusafe

Get in Touch
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